AlephBet and Genesis 1 We are starting with Genesis 1, verse 1, word for word. This is mainly to go slowly and not inundate the reader. I will use the transliterated Hebrew. The chart can be found here: However, I use a modified form but the above is provided for reference. For scholarly works, the SBL Style transliteration is found here: and here: Here is the most simplified, modified form for English speakers that I know of: A Aleph B Bet - B* = Vet G Gimel D Dalet H Hey V Vav Z Zayin Ch Chet T Tet Y Yod K Kaph L ...
I post a lot of Biblical Hebrew information online on the Facebook Page " Crestview Ward Biblical Hebrew Fans". A lot of people are interested in learning more and I thought it would be great to share related information and tools. The plan is to go through the Bible, verses/paragraphs at a time. To start I am going through Genesis pretty much word for word. If you want to learn Hebrew, that is the best way - immersion method. I took a look at Joseph Smith's translation and it has no manuscript underneath it so I have set that aside for now. Ultimately, I do want to compare word usage but that is a scholarly task and I'm sure someone has already done it. If anyone sees a book that has already done it, let me know. The main tools I use and you will see in here is the Blue Letter Bible for translation information. Other sites are just as good except I am used to this site so that is what I use and I know it works well. I also learn a lot about Hebrew by going to...