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I post a lot of Biblical Hebrew information online on the Facebook Page " Crestview Ward Biblical Hebrew Fans". A lot of people are interested in learning more and I thought it would be great to share related information and tools.

The plan is to go through the Bible, verses/paragraphs at a time. To start I am going through Genesis pretty much word for word. If you want to learn Hebrew, that is the best way - immersion method.

I took a look at Joseph Smith's translation and it has no manuscript underneath it so I have set that aside for now. Ultimately, I do want to compare word usage but that is a scholarly task and I'm sure someone has already done it. If anyone sees a book that has already done it, let me know.

The main tools I use and you will see in here is the Blue Letter Bible for translation information. Other sites are just as good except I am used to this site so that is what I use and I know it works well.

I also learn a lot about Hebrew by going to a site called "Nehemia's Wall". He is a Biblical Hebrew scholar and has even worked on translating the Dead Sea Scrolls with Emmanuel Tov before Mr. Tov retired - if he is retired... and I think that is up for debate. The website is at

A really good site to get more in-depth with the letters of Hebrew is called Hebrew for Christians at This site also goes through Hebrew grammar, which is interesting.

If you have any tools or comments, please feel free to do so.

